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YouTube’s AI-Based Jump Ahead Feature Is Now Available For Paid Users

Team Gossip  |   May 6, 5:28 AM   |   6 min read

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  • While YouTube’s aggressive push towards promoting its Premium subscription hasn’t been received well in some instances, there are several benefits as well.

  • These benefits also include experiments, which enable users to test under-development features ahead of their rollout.

  • The YouTube team is now experimenting with another feature that should make it very easy to skip ahead to the best parts of the video.

YouTube is undoubtedly one of the most used apps when it comes to entertainment, and that might not change even in years to come, thanks to the huge user base it has accumulated over the years. While the company’s aggressive push towards promoting its Premium subscription hasn’t been received well in some instances, there are several benefits subscribers continue to take advantage of.


These benefits also include experiments, which enable users to test under-development features ahead of their rollout. The YouTube team is now experimenting with another feature for Premium subscribers, one that should make it very easy to skip ahead to the best parts of the video.


As per 9to5Google, this particular experiment, dubbed Jump Ahead, is currently been rolled out to YouTube Premium users in the US and is currently limited to English-language videos only. 


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Jump Ahead Is Only Available For YouTube Mobile App


As of now, only the YouTube mobile app users will be able to see this experiment. To some this might sound like a familiar feature, that’s because YouTube's Creator Studio team announced its initial rollout in March.


This expanded availability will enable the YouTube team to see how users react to the AI-based Jump Ahead’s usefulness. The company will run the experiment till Jun 1, 2024, but it’s very likely that YouTube will push the date further or even blend it into the app.


The new Jump Ahead feature can be seen as a well-optimized version of the tried and tested double-tap to seek functionality. But instead of skipping ahead based on time intervals, the new feature will use a combination of machine learning tools and user view history to easily skip to the best part of the video.


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When Will Jump Ahead Reach Broader Audience?


As of now, the Jump Ahead feature is limited to only a few videos on the app, but it’s likely to change in the coming days, and we could see a global rollout. As per the report, videos with higher view counts might be given priority for this particular experiment. But all these advantages don’t mean that Jump Ahead doesn’t have any downsides. 


Having users skip ahead to the most watched parts of the video with just a couple of clicks/taps could mean a loss for the creators. This could impact their revenue and ad placements in videos. So the company will have to consider some of these aspects before rolling out the feature to a wider audience.

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