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PlayStation Portable That Can Run PS4 Games In The Works

Team Gossip  |   May 18, 6:24 AM   |   6 min read

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  • Sony is reportedly working on a new console for the handheld market. 

  • The company seems to be working on a new PlayStation Portable that will be able to run PlayStation 4 games.

  • This is not the first time there have been reports about Sony working on a new PlayStation Portable system.

Sony is reportedly working on a new console for the handheld market. The company seems to be working on a new PlayStation Portable that will be able to run PlayStation 4 games, according to rumors circulating online. 


According to the reports on the ResetERA forums Russian journalist Anton Logvinov, who was among the few people who confirmed that PlayStation exclusives would be making their way to PC years back before the official confirmation, revealed via Telegram that Sony is working on a new PSP that will be able to run PlayStation 4 games. 


Sadly, the launch lineup only has games that are also available on PC, and on Steam Deck, so it’s very likely the system has some more tricks under its sleeve, considering how retailers are skeptical about this portable console. 


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PlayStation Portable Has Been Rumoured For A Long Time


This is not the first time there have been reports about Sony working on a new PlayStation Portable system. In February this year, Moore's Law is Dead talked about a new console backed by a custom AMD APU developed to make compatibility with PS4 and PS5 games.


While it’s likely that it is the same system Anton Logvinov talked about, the Russian journalist did not mention PS5 games. It means compatibility with current-generation games has either been kept behind the curtains or may be implemented at a later time if this system is indeed launching in the coming days.


Due to the immense popularity of Nintendo Switch and other portable gaming consoles, such as Steam Deck, it won’t be a surprise if Sony comes with its handheld console for the segment, especially after launching the immensely successful PlayStation Portal. Still, we should take this information about a new PlayStation Portable with a grain of salt until an official announcement is made.


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Sony PlayStation 5 Sales Cross 59.2 Million Units Globally


Sony PlayStation 5 sales have surpassed 59.2 million units worldwide, the company revealed. The company published its most recent financial earnings for the 4th quarter of its current fiscal year, announcing that the company managed to sell 20.8 million PS5 devices during the year.


This is pretty low compared to the revised sales target of 21 million that the firm set some months ago. As revealed by Sony, 4.5 million PS5 consoles were sold during the Q4 of 2023. For reference, Sony managed to sell 6.3 million units during the same quarter last year.


With global PS5 sales declining year-over-year, Sony believes sales will further go down to 18 million during its current fiscal year (FY24). Back in December of 2023, it was reported that PS5 was tracking in on PS4 time-aligned sales, but with PS5 sales now going down YoY, it seems questionable whether the console will surpass PS4’s lifetime sales.

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