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Diablo 4 "Dopamine Tunnel" Lets Players Get from Lvl 1 to 40 in 2 Hours

JJ Rankin  |   Aug 16, 10:02 AM   |   6 min read

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An exhilarating new levelling method is sending shockwaves through the Diablo 4 player base. Players have favourited the nightmare dungeon named Domhainne Tunnels, fondly called the Dopamine Tunnels which is so choc-a-block with monsters that it can get you up to 40 levels in just two hours. The mob density coupled with its extremely quick completion time has made it one of the most effective power levelling routes in the game. 



The Domhainne Tunnels in Diablo 4 can be found in the Scosglen region, to the northeast of the main town Cerrigar and west of the waypoint named Corbach.


Sarat's Lair, Hoarfrost Demise and Uldur's Cave are the most favoured nightmare dungeons in the game, owing to their higher concentration of enemies. But the early section of Domhainne Tunnels has an astonishing level of monster density. Players believe that by repeatedly resetting the dungeon and blazing through the initial section, they can accumulate massive XP gains. Playing on Nightmare difficulty and using Nightmare Sigils can offer more enemies to fight and also helps with gear drops. 


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Twitch streamer and Diablo 4 YouTuber Raxxanterax shared some changes made by the 1.1.1 patch that has enabled superfast levelling in the Domhainne Tunnels dungeon. In his recent video the streamer talks about the Dopamine Tunnel and says, "If you reset a dungeon with an active town portal INSIDE, the portal  will guide you to a brand new fresh instance immediately as you touch the portal with no double load screens."


Diablo 4 Youtuber Moxsy shared a stream and said that he estimates that the Dungeon provides around 60 million XP per hour on optimised characters in the World Tier IV. Redditors are rushing to experience the dungeon and some claim Blizzard has set new expectations with this one route. "Domhainne Tunnels is how this game should always feel," writes Redditor XIV-Questions. "Man, grabbing a conduit shrine and being able to bounce around the ENTIRE dungeon from pack to pack is a first. Normally I get it and have to float around empty space for 30 seconds before I kill one pack and it goes away. Blizzard, this is your baseline now. Anything less than this is f***ing slow," they added. 

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JJ Rankin



JJ is a writer for the Gaming section at Gossip.GG and brings multiple years of experience covering the gaming beat.




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