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Assassin's Creed Shadows Gameplay Deep Dive: Improved Animations, One-Hit Stealth, New Parkour, and More

Kushal Bhattacharya  |   Jun 11, 6:20 AM   |   6 min read

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  • Assassin's Creed Shadows has officially showcased its gameplay to the fans through a 13-minute footage featuring both the protagonists.

  • The gameplay includes both, Yasuke's brutal and straight-forward combat, alongside Naoe's stealth approach to take out enemies.

  • In the official Assassin's Creed Shadows: Extended Gameplay walkthrough from Ubisoft, one can spot various iconic locations from the game while Yasuke explores the lands of Fukuchiyama in Japan.

Assassin's Creed Shadows has officially showcased its gameplay to the fans through a 13-minute footage featuring both the protagonists. The gameplay includes both, Yasuke's brutal and straight-forward combat, alongside Naoe's stealth approach to take out enemies. Shadows was first officially revealed last month with a cinematic trailer, which received a mixed response from fans due to its pre-order pricing; however, Ubisoft has showcased more regarding the game's content that one can enjoy upon its release later this year.


In the official Assassin's Creed Shadows: Extended Gameplay walkthrough from Ubisoft, one can spot various iconic locations from the game while Yasuke explores the lands of Fukuchiyama in Japan. Moreover, it also extends to Naoe, showcasing her skills in stealth combat.


Also Read: Assassin's Creed Shadows Revealed: Feudal Japan And Dual Protagonists

Assassin's Creed Shadows' 13-Minute Gameplay Walkthrough at Ubisoft Forward Event



The feudal Japan setting for Assassin's Creed Shadows is one of the highlights of the title. After years of waiting, fans have finally received the beloved setting in an Assassin's Creed game. Moreover, with the recent gameplay walkthrough footage, Ubisoft has showcased a few impressive bits from the title. Firstly, the land of Fukuchiyama is a vibrant visual treat for fans to get lost in. Incorporating both farms and hills, the setting showcases the natural beauty of the period fans can enjoy while exploring. Moreover, when transitioning into combat, the gameplay footage showcased Yasuke in his full glory, using the brutal spike bat to fight his enemies in the market streets of Fukuchiyama.


For Yasuke, one can spot four total abilities on the bottom-left side of the screen, indicating his two primary weapons health on the top and an extra ability at the bottom. As a Samurai, Yasuke can also use the Katana to fight his enemies, while juggling with his other abilities. Moving forward in the gameplay walkthrough footage, the clip also showcased a cinematic featuring both the protagonists, as they ready themselves for a mission. In the clip, Ubisoft showcases the freedom of choice between choosing either Yasuke or Naoe for the mission.


As the player picks Naoe, Ubisoft shows her stealth prowess in Assassin's Creed Shadows, as she enters a castle to assassinate a corrupt and powerful individual, Lord Hayashi. When playing as Naoe, one can use the Katana and her signature chain hook in combat and stealth approach. Much like Yasuke, Naoe also has healing and another eavesdropping ability. When assassinating the target, Shadows showcased one of the many approaches one could take, which includes Naoe hiding inside the pond with a blowpipe, helping her breathe underwater. Then she slowly approaches the target and puts him down with her Hidden Blade.

Soon after that, Ubisoft showcases the open combat with Naoe as she uses her signature weapons to kill the guards and escape the castle As shown in the footage, the title is still a work in progress, and can differ from the clips when it comes out later this year.

Kushal is a Gaming and Esports writer at Gossip.GG. Aside from pouring hours into his beloved soulsike and RPG games, he also enjoys competitive FPS titles such as Valorant, Rainbow Six Siege, and Cou...




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