Home   >>   tech  >> YouTube Will Let Users Take Down AI Content That Mimics Them

YouTube Will Let Users Take Down AI Content That Mimics Them

Team Gossip  |   Jun 22, 11:22 AM   |   6 min read

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  • Since 2023, there have been several tools like Midjourney that are capable of creating imagery and potentially sway public opinion.

  • To address these concerns, YouTube is taking new measures to safeguard user privacy.

  • The platform will now enable users to flag a request for the removal of AI-generated content that mimics the face of voice.

Since 2023, there have been several tools like Midjourney that are capable of creating imagery and potentially sway public opinion. To address these concerns, YouTube is taking new measures to safeguard user privacy. The platform will now enable users to flag a request for the removal of AI-generated content that mimics the face of voice.


This policy covers fully synthetic recreations or partially changed content that could be mistaken for the real thing. If users come across content that convincingly fakes their voice or face, YouTube has added a new option to its privacy complaint form that covers this scenario.


Before this, users were only allowed to report videos that included their full name or sensitive information, such as residential address, without their consent. It’s worth noting that YouTube will review each request carefully before taking action.


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YouTube Taking Serious Action Against AI Generated Content


The announcement also specifies that YouTube will see if the reported content has “parody or satire when it involves well-known figures.” The platform could make an exception for high-profile individuals who are already in public discourse. It looks like a good move as long as AI-generated content falls under the purview of social commentary and free speech. However, it remains to be seen how the service will balance out that aspect against a person’s reputational risk.


In March, the company started enforcing the use of disclosure labels for AI-generated content. When the label is applied, viewers will be able to see a small message that reads “Altered or synthetic content” at the bottom, similar to a sponsorship disclosure. This only applies when videos have a significant amount of artificially generated content, such as an AI Voice generator is used for narration.


The latest move is yet another step to curb the potential misuse of AI on YouTube, which could become more rampant as video generators become more capable. OpenAI’s video demos of Sora managed to impress everyone and its upcoming GPT-5 model is said to support additional modality on top of text, images, and audio.


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YouTube To Use Server-Side Ads To Curb Ad Blockers


YouTube has been battling ad blockers for a very long time. Ads are a huge source of revenue for the company, so it’s taking on companies that allow users to skip ads. It seems, the company might have finally found a way to win this battle. YouTube is planning to implement server-side ad injection.


For the unversed, there are tools on the internet that allow users to skip ads on YouTube. It is something the company has been trying hard to fight for years, as it earns most of its money from ad revenue. Also, the creators that viewers watch also benefit from that revenue. 

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