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Spower Opens Up About Leaving Blind Esports, Calls It "An Internal Matter"

Aaryanshi Mohan  |   Jul 16, 2:25 PM   |   6 min read

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After a lot of rumors and speculations about why Spower left Blind Esports, the young talent opened up about the situation that has unfolded in the last few days. During today's Revenant Esports Invitational's winners interview, Blind Esports opened up about their point of view on the whole situation. Spower has now responded to the same on his Instagram account.

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Spower responds to Blind Esports discussing his departure

Spower's Instagram story

Spower is not particularly happy about his teammates discussing the change in public. In a statement released on Instagram, Spower said that even though the official announcement is yet to be made, he didn't want the matter to become public knowledge. He said:

"I firmly believe that internal matters within a team should remain private. However, it appears that certain individuals are seeking information and attempting to create a narrative surrounding this situation. I urge everyone to consider that there are always two sides to a story."

In addition to that, he also said he waited for a long time to get a chance to play officially and would not do anything to hamper the progress of his team:

"Throughout the past four years, I have been eagerly awaiting the opportunity to compete officially. Now that the time has come, my focus is solely on playing as many matches as possible and making meaningful contributions to my team's success."

In the last few events that Spower played with Blind Esports, he was the MVP for most of them and has consistently been a part of the top fraggers list

This is in direct contradiction to what ManYa had said about him rushing for the MVP title. ManYa said that Spower was rushing solo to secure more kills for himself so that he could earn the title.


After the departure became a controversy, Spower has requested everyone to keep him out of it and refrain from making any judgments after hearing just one side of the story.

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Aaryanshi Mohan

Content Strategist


An avid battle royale player with a special love for BGMI, Aaryanshi prefers mobile gaming over PC. When not grinding in BGMI, you can find her writing or escaping outside.




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