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"Hacked!", Fans React To Valorant Pacific Twitch Channel Streaming Farlight 84

Aaryanshi Mohan  |   Sep 28, 6:14 AM   |   6 min read

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  • Fans were confused about the stream and wondered if the channel was hacked.

  • Reddit users took this as an opportunity to comment on what they assumed was a mistake by an intern who forgot to switch back to his channel.

  • Other fans just commented on how the game looks better than Valorant and how "Farlight 84 k*lled Valorant and looted the channel."


The official Twitch account of the Valorant Pacific region streamed a short Farlight 84 stream last night. The stream titled "2023 VCT Game Changers APAC Series: Last Chance Qualifiers Day 4" lasted for two minutes before being shut down. Fans were quick to speculate that the channel was hacked by someone and they were just trolling Riot Games. 


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Valorant Pacific Twitch Streams Farlight 84



A Reddit user posted a Farlight 84 lobby screenshot on r/ValorantCompetitive with the caption "So weird and happened so suddenly it was up for two minutes then stream ended" and explained that a two minutes stream started on Valorant's Twitch channel. In the screenshot, a portion of the chat is also visible where the fans are confused and are seen leaving comments like "hacked" and "hijacked". 


Reddit users took this as an opportunity to comment on what they assumed was a mistake by an intern who forgot to switch back to his channel to start the stream and panicked and ended the stream. Many people resonated with this comment and said that this intern must have been extremely scared when he must have realised his mistake. Other fans just commented on how the game looks better than Valorant and how "Farlight 84 k*lled Valorant and looted the channel."



Some fans also pointed out the security lapse in the SEA region and said "SE Asia has a history of hijacked channels, especially public digital billboards. I'm just glad the case wasn't any similar lol." 


It has been a while since Riot Games has uploaded anything on their Twitch channel and the last video uploaded is the 2023 VCT Game Changers APAC Series: Last Chance Qualifiers Day 4 video. Valorant has entered its Off Season. Rostermania has also started with many lineups getting disbanded and new signings taking place. 

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Aaryanshi Mohan

Content Strategist


An avid battle royale player with a special love for BGMI, Aaryanshi prefers mobile gaming over PC. When not grinding in BGMI, you can find her writing or escaping outside.




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