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New CS2 Update Stuns the Gaming Community - Valve Withdraws Support for MacOS

Stotram Roy Moitra  |   Oct 10, 9:21 AM   |   6 min read

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  • Valve has announced that moving forward, CS2 will stop supporting MacOS.

  • Further, CS2 will not be supporting DirectX9 and 32-bit windows operating system.

  • Players who have Prime subscription will get a limited time to claim refunds.


The latest update from Valve has left MacOS users stunned as the publisher shuts off CS2 support for the MacOS. According to the official announcement, Mac will stop supporting DirectX9, MacOS and 32-bit operating systems. This will affect a part of the Counter-Strike community as the possible hardware requirements will reduce the inclusivity of the CS player base. 

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Valve to Issue Refunds for Mac CS2 Users for a Limited Period



A large faction of the CS2 community rooted back to players using Mac devices. With such a game-changing hardware reset, the fans and professionals are both in a dilemma as to Valve's commitment to the community. The publisher has announced that players who have Prime subscriptions will have an option to get refunds. The announcement claimed anyone who purchased Counter-Strike: Global Offensive or CS2 from March 22 to Sept. 27 on dated setups will be eligible for refunds.
Furthermore, players will have a limited time to claim the refund (up to December 1).



Valve has kept an option for players to relive the old CS: GO days by introducing a legacy version of CS: GO where players with the old hardware requirements can still access the game. However it is only applicable for a limited time and ultimately, those players have to come back to CS2. This old version of CS: GO will be shutting down by the New Year's dawn as players continue to shift to CS2. Players will be able to hop on to the private servers but not the official ones in the legacy version. With such an update, the Counter-Strike is having quite a time to deal with the latest transition. Regardless, the CS community continues to thrive with new players joining the gaming community every day. 

Hello! Stotram here! I love to play games and listen to Hip Hop. I am working as an esports writer at Gossip. Hope you enjoy reading my articles!




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