With the beloved animated character Steamboat Willie's Mickey Mouse entering the public domain, the popular horror game creator Nightmare Forge Games revealed their upcoming game Infestation 88. Infestation 88 is a survival co-op horror game where players must eliminate the rodents who have infested the house. While rodent infestation might sound normal, the presence of mutant Mickey Mouse chasing the players will surely give chills.
On 1 January 2024, popularly known as Public Domain Day, Steamboat Willie entered the public domain, and the game developers grabbed the opportunity to create a new game out of Mickey Mouse, just like an evil version of Mickey in Infestation 88. Last year, Fumi Games revealed their upcoming FPS game, Mouse, which is inspired by Steamboat Willie and set in a black-and-white world.
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Trailer Of Infestation 88 Featuring An Evil Mutated Mickey Mouse Out After Steamboat Willie Enters The Public Domain
It won't be the first time a lovable animated character has become an unrecognisable beast. In 2022, the fictional teddy bear, Winnie-the-Pooh, entered the public domain, after which the film writers made him a bloodthirsty demon. Nightmare Forge Games follow the same route as Steamboat Willie's Mickey Mouse by turning him into a Mutant Mouse.
Infestation 88 will be a survival co-op game where players will join forces to fight the rodent infestation in the house. The players will assume the role of exterminators to battle the rodents out of the storage facility. While doing their job, they discover they aren't facing an ordinary infestation but a mutated one.
The players will have to look for the source of the infestation and find out the story behind how it all began. As an exterminator, players will have their gear to battle the infestation by destroying the nests and eliminating the entities behind the infestation. Interested gamers can add the game to their wishlist on Steam and apply for early access. According to the Steam page, the game will be released in 2024.
After the release of Infestation 88's trailer, fans are talking vividly about how the developers planned the trailer launch within a few hours of Steamboat Willie in the public domain. After entering the public domain, the fans aren't surprised upon seeing a horror game on an animated character. One of the gamers commented on the trailer reveal: "It's like the devs were holding onto this game for years, waiting for the moment Mickey goes public domain." Another user said, "What a blisteringly original concept - taking a kid-friendly character and making a horror monster out of it!"