Indus Battle Royale has been one of the most hotly anticipated games made by Pune-based studio SuperGamng. It is poised to be one of the biggest games made in India that has a strong focus towards esports as well. According to the recent post on X by the IndusGame account, a new trailer for the game will finally be revealed. The game has been in development for quite a few years since its initial teaser over a year ago. Within this article let's take a look at what can fans expect from the upcoming trailer.
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What Can Fans Expect From the Indus Battle Royale Trailer?
Pune-based developer SuperGaming's post suggests that "Cosmium will change everything", as to what that means, fans are going to have to wait and find out. Supergaming posted a teaser on this year's Republic Day for their upcoming trailer of the game. IndusGame stated the following in their post on X alongside the teaser clip:
“Old ways don’t win new games. Cosmium Changes Everything. Full reveal on 1 February 2024”
Fans can expect to see the origin story of the element Cosmium as well as certain characters who will be playable in the game. With the various characters being shown in the trailer, one can assume that there will be an emphasis on showing the gameplay of characters as well as vehicles in the game. There is also a strong possibility that SuperGaming will reveal more gameplay footage from the title as well as a possible release window.
Indus Battle Royale game is a mobile battle royale game that is set in a futuristic world inspired by Indian mythology. Within certain characters, players can see elements or references from certain characters from the stories in Indian mythology. The game is set on a mysterious planet called Virlok where the Indus Valley Civilization was located. One might believe that the futuristic theme has been taken up to gain certain creative freedom. Proving the developers of the game to have futuristic weapons as well as vehicles that players can use in the game.
The world of Indus Battle Royale is a fusion of science fiction and Indian mythology. It features floating islands, lush greenery, and cutting-edge technology. Players play as "Mythwalkers", hired guns who are looking for glory and fortune on the mysterious planet of Virlok.
Indus battle royale is a battle royale game where 100 players fly down on the map and fight for the last man standing. There are many weapons and vehicles to choose from in the game, as well as special abilities and gadgets based on ancient Indian tales.
According to the developers, there are only two ways that players can win this battle royale. In the first method, players will need to be the last ones standing at the end of the battle royal, similar to games like Free Fire and BGMI. The second method consists of the player trying to obtain Cosmium, a unique item that spawns toward the final circles of the map. Only time will tell if the upcoming trailer will start the momentum to potentially solidify Indus Battle Royale's position as a frontrunner in the Indian esports scene.
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