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India Laptop Import Restrictions: 3 Month Delay Allows Companies To Get Permits

Danyal Arabi  |   Aug 5, 11:47 AM   |   6 min read

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Hysteria struck the Indian tech market when it was announced this week that restrictions will be placed on the import of laptops, tablets, and other tech products. Less than 24 hours after the initial announcement, strong protests and backlash have prompted the Government to delay the policy.


The ruling stated that companies now need an import license to bring laptops and other small computing devices into the country. While most existing companies in India do possess a license, those without one argued that passing the order overnight has crippled the tech industry. In light of this, the rule has been pushed back by three months.

Also read: Lenovo Launches LOQ Gaming Laptops In India: Price, Specs, Battery, And More Details

"It Is The Government’s Objective To Reduce Import Dependence" - India’s Deputy IT Minister On Laptop Import Restrictions

In a statement made on Twitter, India's Deputy IT Minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar stated:

“India is becoming one of the world’s fastest-growing markets for digital products including laptops and servers. It is the government's objective to ensure trusted hardware and systems, reduce import dependence and increase domestic manufacturing of this category of products. It is about regulating imports to ensure trusted and verifiable systems and ensuring India tech ecosystem uses trusted and verified systems only that are imported and/or domestically manufactured trusted systems/products.”


Responding to the initial backlash, the government states that the move is in the interest of moving production of a growing industry to the nation. While the restrictions and the overnight passing of the order came as a shock to companies, this type of event has happened in the past. 


Earlier, Apple had moved part of its production to India, thanks to strong incentives and a growing desire to reduce dependencies on China. However, this move takes the opposite route with companies claiming they're being strong-armed into shifting production here instead of being incentivized.


As of now, the order is delayed, allowing companies the time to get a license for importing laptops and so on. The government has also assured businesses that getting a license won't be tedious. Samsung and HP have already applied for the same with many more waiting in the wings.


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Danyal Arabi

Editor - Esports


An avid gamer from the days of Doom 2, Danyal is a fan of everything video gaming. Enthused by Quake 3 Arena, his passion for shooters eventually led him to CS:GO where countless hours were spent. Sin...




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