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In-development Footage for Insomniac's Wolverine Has Leaked

Kushal Bhattacharya  |   Dec 19, 8:37 AM   |   6 min read

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  • A recent hack at the Insomniac studio by a ransomware group called Rhysida caused huge damage to the company last week.

  • The ransomware group has posted an estimated 98% of the stolen data online worth a total 1.7 TB of information.

  • The footage involved some traversal, combat, and cinematic set pieces from the game where Wolverine can be seen fighting hoards of enemies inside a development sandbox.

A recent hack at the Insomniac studio from a ransomware group called Rhysida caused huge damage to the company. The group has begun leaking large amounts of information and footage regarding the upcoming 'Marvel's Wolverine' title on the internet. During the hack, Rhysida gave Sony a deadline and asked Insomniac Games to pay $2 million. The ransomware group also stated that if the request is not met, they will sell the stolen data they have acquired in seven days.


With the deadline crossed, gamers are seeing some large leaks coming their way with Wolverine. At the time of writing, Sony has not responded to the situation. 


Also read: Marvel's Wolverine Leaks Inbound; Insomniac Games Falls Victim To Rhysida Ransomware Attack


Marvel's Wolverine Footage Leaked by Ransomware Group

The ransomware group has posted an estimated 98% of the stolen data online worth a total 1.7 TB of information. This content includes game development files alongside employee information. Multiple sources on Instagram have posted leaked in-game development footage.


The footage involved some traversal, combat, and cinematic set pieces where Wolverine can be seen fighting hoards of enemies inside a development sandbox. Furthermore, the clip also showed how Logan will be traversing the map and taking on various enemies in hordes. The footage showed different enemy types and climbing mechanics.


Another set of footage from the Instagram account included in-development footage from 2021 where the developers recorded a 'Senses Investigation' session for Wolverine. In the map, Wolverine climbed and entered a building as he investigated the belongings of the resident. Investigation mode, according to the footage, is similar to the Arkham games, where one can see silhouettes/X-rays of targets. 


The ransomware group also leaked an Insomniac timeline from a presentation slide, featuring unannounced games like Venom, Rachet and Clank, and a new IP. According to rumors, the leaks also feature a bootable version of Wolverine. However, data miners are still working to verify this claim. The heaps of data leaks by Rhysida are hinting to many upcoming titles from Insomniac games in the coming years. 

Kushal is a Gaming and Esports writer at Gossip.GG. Aside from pouring hours into his beloved soulsike and RPG games, he also enjoys competitive FPS titles such as Valorant, Rainbow Six Siege, and Cou...




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