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How to Get Rich in GTA 5 Story Mode by Using Stocks

Stotram Roy Moitra  |   Oct 16, 11:33 AM   |   6 min read

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  • Players need to complete multiple missions to become rich in GTA V.

  • Lester issues some missions to players for making money in the game.

  • There are five assassination missions which players can complete to generate cash flow.


GTA V has one of the best storylines in the video game industry. For players to survive and live a lavish lifestyle in the game, making money becomes an important task. While there are multiple ways to generate revenue, the best way to grow cash in the game is by utilizing the stock market. One of the easiest ways to understand the stock market in game is to simply buy stocks when it is low and sell them at a higher profit when the stock increases. A great way to crack the stock market in the game is by assassinations.


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How to Get Rich in GTA 5 Story Mode by Using Stocks



BAWSAQ and LCN Exchanges are the two stock trading websites which can be accessed in the GTA V timeline with the help of the internet. There will be multiple stock market assassination missions issued by Lester which players have to complete to make money. The game features a total of five such stock market assassination missions. With proper guidelines, a player will be able to generate over $2 Billion in revenue in the game. Lester issues a total of five Stock Market Assassination Mission to Franklin.


They are :
The Hotel Assassination:
The Multi Target Assassination
The Vice Assassination
The Bus Assassination
The Construction Assassination


The Hotel Assassination: 
Lester has a huge investment in Betta Pharmaceuticals and as a result, asks Franklin to assassinate the CEO of the company and get him out of the picture. After the mission ends, the players can sell all the stocks of Betta Pharmaceuticals on the BAWSAQ website after two in-game hours.


The Multi Target Assassination:
In this mission, Redwood Cigarettes intends to rig the jury on a class action lawsuit, but Lester orders Franklin to take out all four jurors. After the mission, players can sell all the Debonaire stock on the LCN Exchange website after two in-game hours which will ensure a huge cash flow. Additionally, players need to sell all the Redwood Cigarettes stock on the LCN Exchange after 72 in-game hours.


The Vice Assassination:

In this mission, Lester has intel that Facade's CEO Jackson Skinner has been seeing a working girl in La Puerta, and bumping him off would do wonders for Fruit Computers' stock price. After the mission, players have to sell all Fruit Computers stock on the BAWSAQ website after spending two in-game hours. Additionally, players need to sell all FACADE stocks on the same website after spending 48 in-game hours.



The Bus Assassination:
Tight-fisted billionaire Isaac Penny is rumoured to be taking a controlling stake in car manufacturer Vapid, but Lester knows how to hijack his commute. After the mission, players can invest all of Franklin, Trevor and Michael's money in Vapid stocks on the BAWSAQ website. Later, the players need to sell all the Vapid stocks on the same website after spending 48 in-game hours.


The Construction Assassination:
Construction magnate Enzo Bonelli has been taking work from rival Gold Coast, and Lester wants him out of the picture. After the mission players have to sell all the Gold Coast stocks they bought on the LCN Exchange website itself after spending 48 hours in-game. 

Hello! Stotram here! I love to play games and listen to Hip Hop. I am working as an esports writer at Gossip. Hope you enjoy reading my articles!




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