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Elder Scrolls 6 Moves To Early Development From Pre Production

Stotram Roy Moitra  |   Aug 31, 5:57 AM   |   6 min read

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  • Elder Scrolls 6 has officially moved to early development stage from pre production stage.

  • Bethesda's Head of Publishing, Pete Hines confirms the news, in his latest conversation with Vandal.

  • However, Bethesda's primary focus is on Starfield for now.


One of the most highly anticipated games, The Elder Scrolls 6, has officially left pre-production and is currently in the early stages of development. During his chat with Vandal about the imminent release of Starfield, Bethesda’s Head of Publishing Pete Hines confirmed the news.


Hines was also questioned about further updates related to the game once Starfield launches. "We have put all of our studio's focus on making this game the best it can be,” said the Head of Publishing at Bethesda.


Elder Scrolls 6 Info is Still a Few Years Away


While speaking about the development of the game, Bethesda’s Heads confirmed that their primary field is Starfield for now and requested the fans to be patient as they won't be hearing about Elder Scrolls 6 anytime soon. "And yes, there are people working on The Elder Scrolls 6, but this is what the studio has focused on. So no, you are not going to hear soon about The Elder Scrolls 6. Starfield is our focus for now, and it's going to remain our priority for a while before we talk about anything else."



Todd Howard, the Director of Bethesda confirmed that he would not be as excited as to talk about Elder Scrolls 6 and would resort to a more casual way for the announcement. However, the working officials behind the game, at Bethesda reassured the public about how they are committed towards the game and developing it in a way that it’s both worth the hype and wait. As a matter of fact, Bethesda has been pretty busy with the development of Starfield if we look at the Starfield cities and builds, as a proof for the same. While it cannot be said how long the fans will have to wait for the release of Elder Scrolls 6, the game will definitely be worth the wait.

Hello! Stotram here! I love to play games and listen to Hip Hop. I am working as an esports writer at Gossip. Hope you enjoy reading my articles!




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