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BGMI Best Sensitivity Settings: How to Get More Kills in BGMI

Aaryanshi Mohan  |   Sep 12, 9:36 AM   |   6 min read

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  • BGMI Best Sensitivity Settings will help players play better

  • BGMI Best Sensitivity Settings will help players get more kills

  • BGMI Best Sensitivity Settings will help players become better than their squad.


BGMI is one of the most popular games and mastering the game has been the goal of many. However, mastering it needs skill and some game sense. Skills can come through practice and having sensitivity that one can adapt to. This article will guide players through the steps to set sensitivity and will also make them aware of which could be the best for them. 


Also Read: How To Play BGMI On PC Using An Emulator


BGMI Best Sensitivity Settings To Use In Any Device



The camera sensitivity in the game refers to how fast the character can move in the game. It can be controlled by tweaking it to make the player move fast or slow, according to a player's device capabilities. Ideally, the sensitivity given below works best for each device (some practice may be required).


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Camera Sensitivity


  • TPP No Scope: No less than 115% – 120%
  • FPP No Scope: No less than 100% – 112%
  • Red Dot, Holographic, Aim Assist: No less than 50% – 60%
  • 2X Scope: No less than 33% – 38%
  • 3X Scope, Win94: No less than 25% – 30%
  • 4X Scope, VSS: No less than 15% – 19%
  • 6X Scope: No less than 10% – 15%


ADS Sensitivity


  • TPP No Scope: Close to 115% – 120%
  • FPP No Scope: 100% – 112%
  • Red Dot, Holographic, Aim Assist: Close to 55% – 60%
  • 2X Scope: Close to 33% – 38%
  • 3X Scope, Win94: Close to 25% – 30%
  • 4X Scope, VSS: Close to 15% – 19%
  • 6X Scope: Close to 10% – 15%


Free Look Camera Sensitivity


  • TPP (Character, Vehicle): Close to 118% – 125%
  • FPP (Character): Close to 80% – 85%
  • Camera (Parachuting):  Close to 120% – 124%


Best Sensitivity Settings For Gyroscope


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When players use the gyroscope in the game, they are able to move the scope in the game as they move their devices. The higher the sensitivity, the faster the scope will move. Here is what the ideal sensitivity should look like for each scope. Remember to practice them to play like the pros.


Gyroscope Sensitivity


  • TPP No Scope: Around 245% – 255%
  • FPP No Scope: Around 230% – 240%
  • Red Dot, Holographic, Aim Assist: Around 245% – 250%
  • 2X Scope: Around 210% – 215%
  • 3X Scope, Win94: Around 175% – 180%
  • 4X Scope, VSS: Around 150% – 155%
  • 6X Scope: Around 85% – 90%
  • 8X Scope: Around 60% – 65%


ADS Gyroscope Sensitivity


  • Red Dot, Holographic, Aim Assist: Around 245% – 250%
  • 2X Scope: Around 210% – 215%
  • 3X Scope, Win94: Around 175% – 180%
  • 4X Scope, VSS: Around 150% – 155%
  • 6X Scope: Around 85% – 90%
  • 8X Scope: Around 60% – 65%


Players can go to the training room to try the sensitivity out and should make changes in them according to their practice. These settings are universal and players might need practice to get used to them.

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Aaryanshi Mohan

Content Strategist


An avid battle royale player with a special love for BGMI, Aaryanshi prefers mobile gaming over PC. When not grinding in BGMI, you can find her writing or escaping outside.




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