
Alan Wake II Review: A Groundbreaking Slow-Burn Thriller for the Ages

Rahul Bhushan

Nov 1st, 2023, 4:56


12 min read



  • Alan Wake II is out now for PC and Console.

  • Alan Wake II is a direct sequel to 2010's Alan Wake.

  • The game is developed by Remedy Entertainment and published by Epic Games.

For a studio that is known to consistently break the mould and pull creative left turns every chance they get, Alan Wake II still manages to be a wholly masterful surprise that exceeds lofty expectations. The Finnish game-makers' latest effort is a mind-bending, slow-burn horror-survival game that breaks new ground in terms of storytelling, mission structure, and presentation. 


Powered by a seemingly inexhaustible pool of creativity, Alan Wake II bucks the trend at virtually every stage to create a storytelling experience that could not be delivered through any other medium but that of video games. The game is equal parts unsettling as it is breathtakingly beautiful and the balance that Remedy achieves with a slow-burn detective story paired with a healthy portion of mind-bending horror is downright masterful. 


Alan Wake II: All Thriller No Filler 




Alan Wake II Review


Alan Wake II takes the players back to Bright Falls, in the shoes of FBI Agent Saga Anderson, as she and her partner, Alex Casey (played by Sam Lake himself) investigate a  grisly murder that reeks of cult activity. Soon after, they discover that something else far more dark, sinister, and physics-defying may be afoot in this sleepy town. This leads to her discovering the deep, sinister secrets of the Cauldron Lake and the Dark Place, which eventually leads her to our tormented writer of horror "autofiction", Alan Wake. Saga discovers a source of malice in Bright Falls that is turning people into the "Taken", shadowy beasts out for blood. 


For those concerned about whether they'll be able to follow the story if they haven't played the original - rest easy. Saga's campaign has her explore much of Bright Falls' mystery in a way that sheds light on the last game - allowing players to piece together the events of the last game. However, if you've played the original, you will have a deeper understanding of the lore and characters such as Scratch, Thomas Zane, and the Old Gods of Asgard. Save for that, Alan Wake II is not obtuse to the point where you'll be clueless if you haven't played the original. 


While Saga continues her investigation in Bright Falls, Alan continues his journey in The Dark Place, the dimension in which he has been trapped for 13 years. Presumed missing/dead all this while, Alan has been chipping away in his Writer's Room in The Dark Place all this while trying to write his way back to the real world. The story plays out in 2 sections - while Saga's section is a slow-burn detective thriller a la True Detective and Dark, Alan's personal nightmare dimension section is wall-to-wall craziness and horror that regularly throws curveballs the player's way.


Alan Wake II Review


The story moves at a steady, brisk pace - allowing players to play through each section in any order they please. The player can choose to switch realities and play as either Alan or Saga. To finish the story, players must complete both Alan's and Saga's chapters individually - the order they choose to do that is left entirely up to the player. This creates a deeply rewarding experience as players can witness the same events through different points in the story with vastly different perspectives.


At its core, Alan Wake II is a story about telling stories. It dives deep into the heart of what makes a powerful story and the impact it can have on the world around it. In the case of Alan Wake, his stories quite literally manifest themselves into reality - forcing him to question just how much damage his creations can wreak on the world. This causes him to examine the craft he has dedicated his life to. 


Saga, on the other hand, has to be the world's best detective as she dives deep into the minds of witnesses, suspects, and even victims, to piece together the clues to solve crimes in a matter of hours, if not minutes. While I initially felt that Saga would pale in comparison to Alan in terms of character complexity and general flair - I was pleasantly surprised to learn that it was not the case.  Saga is a deeply compelling character who has several layers to her beneath the Batman-level detective skills. Ultimately, while I thoroughly enjoyed Alan's foray into madness and general weirdness, I found Saga's arc just as compelling, if not more in parts.


To not spoil major story beats and character revelations - let's just say Saga and Alan's arcs are deeply interlinked and a certain creative decision with Saga's character made her all the more compelling and deeply rooted in the story of Bright Falls. The two protagonists are aided by a cast of solid support characters like the aforementioned Alex Casey, Ahti the Janitor (from Control), Tim Breaker (played by Shawn Ashmore), and Mr Door. 


Alan Wake II Review


The tonal shift between the two story sections is handled quite brilliantly and never really feels jagged and disorienting. Instead, players might appreciate the more grounded nature of Saga's arc after several different levels of mind-bending Alan Wake sections and vice versa. Alan Wake II is a triumphant achievement in storytelling and one that will probably be talked about for years to come. Now that the Remedy Connected Universe is up and running in full swing, I cannot wait to see more of what this world has to offer. The game has organic tie-ins with Control that never feels hamfisted and even has nods to Remedy's seminal Max Payne. For one, Det. Alex Casey is voiced by the incredible James McCaffrey and played by Sam Lake - giving us a  hint as to what the upcoming Max Payne remakes might look like. 


The story will take about 12-13 hours to complete on Standard difficulty - with an additional 8 hours or so if one were to complete the numerous side quests and collectibles strewn across the world. The game's most notable achievement in narrative and level design that stands out is the fact that it has virtually no filler. The game's narrative is incredibly lean and polished to weed out any fat - meaning that no level or section ever feels boring or rote, with each having significance to the overall arc. Suffice it to say, Alan Wake II's story will hijack your senses in the best way and leave you wanting for more by the time the credits roll.




Alan Wake II Review


While the narrative design alone was enough to bowl me over - I might even say the gameplay is just as much a hit. The original 2010 felt more like an atmospheric horror that often turned into a shooter - with Alan taking on hoards of Taken with his trusty flashlight and weapons. The sequel pumps the breaks in a big way to slow down the pace of combat to the point where it is now a full-on survival-horror experience. Resources such as Flashlight batteries and ammo are quite scarce, paired with an Inventory system that tasks players with rationing their resources and taking frequent breaks from combat to make sure they're prepared for the next fight.


At any given moment, the protagonists will be fighting no more than 3 enemies, but the fact that each enemy is now more resilient than before makes it a far more rewarding combat loop. Hoards of Taken will occasionally overwhelm you by sheer force of numbers, running away is not just an option - it is imperative. Conveniently placed Safe Havens (light sources) allow players to take a breather and avoid the Taken. The Inventory management and survival-horror mechanics are reminiscent of games like the newer Resident Evil 2,3, and 4 Remakes. While it takes cues from Capcom's new remakes, the combat loop never feels derivative of other works.


The star of the show, however, is a fantastic technical marvel that is the Mind Place and Writer's Room. Both Saga and Alan employ a certain mechanic that allows them to take stock of their situation and drive the story and level forward. Saga uses the Mind Place, a version of the Baltimore Field Office in her head that allows her to put Clues up on the board to solve murders by stringing together evidence and eyewitness accounts. This serves a dual purpose as it is not only an essential mechanic to drive the story forward, but it also acts as a good visual representation of the story so far - allowing players to keep track of events, characters, and story beats. 


Alan Wake II Review


Alan Wake II Review


The Writer's Room is Alan's version of the Mind Place where he uses the Plot Board to change the version of events in his story to change the environment around him in The Dark Place. This allows Alan to get through puzzles, access previously inaccessible areas and witness murders that drive the story forward. The switch between these mind places and the game world is seamless. With the press of a button, the game seamlessly switches to either the Mind Place or the Writer's Room without any loading screens or pause in gameplay. 


The game continuously keeps players on edge even when there are no enemies on the screen. Throughout my time with the game, it always felt that there was always someone in the room tuning the guitar string just close enough to the point of breaking but never truly ever releasing the tension. 


While the story is never truly linear, what makes the game even more of a joy to experience is the almost open-world and open-ended structure of missions. Saga and Alan can both individually make their way through sizeable open-world chunks and uncover new mysteries and collectibles strewn across the map. Saga gets to explore the lush and deeply unsettling woods and the surrounding towns while Alan has to wade through a nightmare version of New York that is equal parts terrifying as it is downright gorgeous. 


All of these in congruence make for a uniquely singular gameplay experience that feels truly fresh. Remedy's innovative gameplay design and Northlight Engine create a style of game that I don't think I've ever played before. Alan Wake II is undoubtedly the most unique gameplay experience I've had in years and carries forward Remedy's legacy of innovation and creative daring. 


Presentation and Performance 


Alan Wake II Review


Alan Wake II is out now for new-gen consoles as well as PCs. I reviewed this game on a PC running an NVIDIA RTX 3070 as well as partially on the PS5. The beefy system requirements that were released gave me strong cause for concern as issues with optimization are a major conversation around games that require hardware of this sort. I am happy to report that the game runs seamlessly on modern consoles as well as PCs. In all my time with the game, I did not experience any significant frame rate drops, texture pop-ins, or crashes. 


For a game that looks this gorgeous, it is a wonder that my PC didn't immediately catch fire. While I was not able to play with Path Tracing on PC or console, the game looks downright gorgeous. This is achieved through not just great fidelity - but also extremely smart lighting and environment design. Both New York and Bright Falls look and feel exceptionally great. 


The game consistently ups the ante in terms of presentation, splicing in FMV footage with in-engine gameplay sections. These live-action cutscenes are acted and written to perfection with Ikka Villi (Alan Wake) putting on an absolute show as the perenially confused and unhinged Alan. While Villi provides the performance, Matthew Porretta voices the character yet again. The Talk Show segments in particular were some of my favourite segments in the entire game - slicing through the horror and tension with a healthy dose of dark humour and much-needed levity.


Alan Wake II Review


The game's magnum opus comes in the form of a genuinely breathtaking segment in the Dark Place featuring Sam Lake, Ikka Villi, and the Old Gods of Asgard, played by the real-life Finnish rock band and frequent Remedy collaborators, Poets of the Fall. The band provides many songs to the game, including a fantastic 14-minute musical, Herald of Darkness.  The level is reminiscent of Control's masterpiece - the Ashtray Maze and dare I say, it might have even trumped Remedy's effort from 2019. 


Alan Wake II is a resounding technical masterpiece that will deeply resonate with players from a purely visual and sonic perspective. The game truly feels new-gen and stands as a testament to just how far we've come in terms of technological advancement. 


Final Word - Alan Wake II

Alan Wake 2 Key ARt


Wake II, at its core, is a survival-horror game that dives deep into its protagonists' psyches. A technical masterpiece that aims to fully harness the power of modern hardware, Alan Wake II is a visual and sonic treat that is nigh unmatched. Pairing relatively simple gameplay mechanics with atmospheric tension and horror, the game is a truly pathbreaking achievement in video games that will be talked about and dissected for years to come. 


An absolute technical marvel, Alan Wake II is a triumphant creative left hook that will floor players by the time they reach the end of the first chapter and it then proceeds to impress even further. Alan Wake II is a strong contender for Game of the Year and it truly solidifies Remedy as one of the few major AAA developers unafraid of taking massive creative gambits. 



Alan Wake II



Release date : 2023-11-28

Market Status : LAUNCHED

Studio : Remedy Entertainment

Brand : Epic Games

  • Riveting story and atmosphere
  • Fantastic presentation 
  • Innovative mission and narrative structure
  • Breathtaking visuals and sound design
  • Poets of the Fall
  • Beefy system requirements might be inaccessible for PC gamers
  • Gameplay


  • Story


  • Presentation


  • Performance


  • Value for Money


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Rahul Bhushan

Sr Editor at Gossip.GG

Rahul is a massive RPG fan that cannot seem to hold his own against any enemy larger than 10 feet. An experienced writer in the field of Gaming, Rahul talks about everything from giant AAAs to the latest indie sensation....


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Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Open Beta was the Biggest in Franchise History

Kushal Bhattacharya

Sep 12th, 2024, 6:11


3 min read



  • Activision Blizzard has confirmed that Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Open Beta was the biggest in the franchise's history through an official X post.

  • The Black Ops 6 Open Beta ended with a massive positive response from gamers, as it showcased various new additions coming to the franchise, including the new movement and human shield features, which were used by players during the beta session.

  • According to the X post by Activision Blizzard, the Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Open Beta was on top in terms of total players compared to all the past Beta Sessions, alongside maintaining the same ranking in total hours played, playtime per player, and most matches played.

Activision Blizzard has confirmed that Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Open Beta was the biggest in the franchise's history through an official X post. The Black Ops 6 Open Beta ended with a massive positive response from gamers, as it showcased various new additions coming to the franchise, including the new movement and human shield features, which were used by players during the beta session.

According to the X post by Activision Blizzard, the Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Open Beta was on top in terms of total players compared to all the past Beta Sessions, alongside maintaining the same ranking in total hours played, playtime per player, and most matches played.

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Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Open Beta Beats Records in Total Players


Treyarch and Raven Software delivered an extremely satisfying experience to gamers with the Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Open Beta last week. Moreover, after the tepid fan response from recent COD titles such as Modern Warfare 3, fans are desperately looking for a refreshing Call of Duty experience from the developers.


It seems the Black Ops 6 Open Beta did exactly that, offering fans new game modes, weapons, a fluid movement style, and a decent campaign to look forward to. The Open Beta lets players enjoy the latest 'omnidirectional movement', where one can sprint, dive, and slide in any direction they desire. This movement style is the newest addition to the franchise, as the previous COD games only focused more on fast and responsive movement towards a singular direction, when in action.


Various fans and content creators have also confirmed that this movement style makes the gameplay much more special and allows for creative moments in intense situations. With the Open Beta over, Call of Duty Black Ops 6 is also ready to bring a brand new campaign set in the early 1990s. Fans can enjoy the story mode with the official release on October 25, 2024. Activision has described the campaign to be a "dynamic and intense spy thriller", highlighting the iconic Black Ops theme from the previous games. Call of Duty Black Ops 6 will be available for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S. Moreover, gamers can also catch the game on day one through the PC Xbox Game Pass and Game Pass Ultimate.

Kushal is a Gaming and Esports writer at Gossip.GG. Aside from pouring hours into his beloved soulsike and RPG games, he also enjoys competitive FPS titles such as Valorant, Rainbow Six Siege, and Counter-Strike: Global ...


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How to Buy UC in BGMI? All Methods Explored

Aaryanshi Mohan

Sep 10th, 2024, 16:40


3 min read



  • There are multiple ways of buying UC in BGMI.

  • Once you have purchased UC, you can spend it on buying anything in the game.

  • If the players are looking for some lucrative offers, then they will have to try buying UC from trusted third party apps like the Rooter Shop or Uni Pin.

BGMI is one of the most popular battle royale games in the country. Adding to its popularity are the ample in-game cosmetics, which include gun skins, car skins and costumes. Recently, Krafton has been adding a variety of voice packs of popular BGMI content creators and athletes. All of these can be purchased with the help of the in-game currency, Unknown Cash (UC). Here are all the ways that you can buy UC in BGMI. 


Also Read: How to Buy UC in BGMI? All Methods Explored


How to Buy UC in BGMI with Extra Bonus?


There are multiple ways of buying UC in BGMI. The most common way of purchasing UC is through the game. All you have to do is go to the app, select the UC pack you wish to purchase and then proceed to make payments. If you buy UC from your Android device, this is how much you will have to pay: 


PriceUCFree UCTotal UC
Rs 7560 UCNA60 UC
Rs 380300 UC25 UC325 UC
Rs 750600 UC60 UC660 UC
Rs 1,9001500 UC300 UC1800 UC
Rs 3,8003000 UC850 UC3850 UC
Rs 7,5006000 UC2100 UC8100 UC






However, if you use an iOS device, your UC will cost: 


PriceUCFree UCTotal UC
Rs 8960 UCNA60 UC
Rs 449300 UC25 UC325 UC
Rs 899600 UC60 UC660 UC
Rs 2,0991500 UC300 UC1800 UC
Rs 4,1993000 UC850 UC3850 UC
Rs 8,5006000 UC2100 UC8100 UC







Additionally, if the players are looking for some lucrative offers, then they will have to try buying UC from trusted third party apps like the Rooter Shop or Uni Pin. Apps like the Rooter Shop will send the UC directly to your account if you purchase from them. What is more interesting is that you will get a lot of lucrative offers, which include bonuses that are not available in the game. In addition to this, you can also avail more discounts through the app if there is a promotion going on. The Uni Pin app works in the same way. Here are all the things you can buy from UC in BGMI: 


  • Outfits
  • Treasures
  • Parachute skins
  • Emotes
  • Accessories
  • Gun skins
  • Vehicle skins


Once you have purchased UC, you can spend it on buying anything in the game. 

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Aaryanshi Mohan

Content Strategist

An avid battle royale player with a special love for BGMI, Aaryanshi prefers mobile gaming over PC. When not grinding in BGMI, you can find her writing or escaping outside.


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PS5 Pro Announced: Launch Date, Price, Specs, Games, and More

Kushal Bhattacharya

Sep 10th, 2024, 15:31


3 min read



  • Sony officially revealed the PlayStation 5 Pro at their Technical Presentation today.

  • The PlayStation 5 Pro advances the console gaming technology with a colossal GPU upgrade, new Ray Tracing improvements, and new AI-driven models to impact video game visuals.

  • The PlayStation 5 Pro will be available on November 7, 2024, and will go for $ 699/ Rs. 65,000.

Sony officially revealed the PlayStation 5 Pro at their Technical Presentation today. The PlayStation maker did not hold back on their latest console, as the PS5 Pro offers a significant upgrade over the regular console from 2020, and in major ways. The PlayStation 5 Pro advances the console gaming technology with a colossal GPU upgrade, new Ray Tracing improvements, and new AI-driven models to impact video game visuals. Gamers can also achieve a much smoother experience in terms of FPS, as showcased by Mark Cerny, at the PS5 Pro Technical Presentation.


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When is the PlayStation 5 Pro Releasing?

PlayStation 5 Pro

The PlayStation 5 Pro will be available on November 7, 2024, priced at $699. the console will only come with the adapters, and Dual Shock Controller, as the vertical stand will be sold separately. While the PS5 Pro seems like a considerably expensive option for a console, Sony has promised to deliver a significant upgrade over the previous generations of PlayStations.

PlayStation 5 Pro Specs

As the PS5 Pro Technical Presentation concluded, fans have been wondering what will the new console bring hardware-wise. The PS5 Pro specification list includes the 'Big Three', as told by Mark Cerny at the presentation. These include a 45% faster RDNA GPU in the new console, which offers 67% more Compute Units, and 12% faster RAM compared to the regular PlayStation 5. Additionally, the PS5 Pro comes with Advanced Ray Tracing, calculating complex geometric rays at double and triple rates compared to previous hardware.

Lastly, a custom hardware addition has been made to the Pro version of the PlayStation 5 console called PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution (PSSR), which boosts visuals with AI-driven upscaling, while also maintaining solid framerates across resource-heavy titles. According to Sony, The PS5 Pro is easily the most powerful console they have ever made and is a "worthy addition" to the PlayStation family.

Some of the best games that can take advantage of the powerful PS5 Pro technology include Marvel's Spider-Man 2, Final Fantasy XVI, Horizon Forbidden West, The Last of Us Part II, Demon Souls Remake, Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, Ghost of Tsushima, Gran Turismo 7, Hogwarts Legacy, and Alan Wake 2. The PS5 Pro claims to hold up solid 60 frames per second across all the titles while offering groundbreaking visuals with its Ray Tracing and AI technology. With the official release only a few months away, fans are excited to see what Sony brings to the table.

Kushal is a Gaming and Esports writer at Gossip.GG. Aside from pouring hours into his beloved soulsike and RPG games, he also enjoys competitive FPS titles such as Valorant, Rainbow Six Siege, and Counter-Strike: Global ...


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NODWIN Gaming is Ready to Bring DreamHack India and Hyderabad Comic Con This Year

Kushal Bhattacharya

Sep 6th, 2024, 14:19


2 min read



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  • The organization has announced this in collaboration with Insider, as the country's largest pop culture celebration is set to take place on November 15, 2024, and will conclude on November 17.

  • NODWIN Gaming acquired Comic Con India earlier this year, promising a massive gathering where fans can indulge in various events and discuss pop culture.

Renowned industry leader in the gaming sector, NODWIN Gaming is bringing DreamHack India and Hyderabad Comic Con this year, in November. The organization has announced this in collaboration with Insider, as the country's largest pop culture celebration is set to take place on November 15, 2024, and will conclude on November 17.



NODWIN Gaming acquired Comic Con India earlier this year, promising a massive gathering where fans can indulge in various events and discuss pop culture, as the event spreads its wings across multiple domains such as movies, anime, TV Shows, video games, and much more.


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NODWIN Gaming Set to Bring Dream Hack India and Comic Con Soon


NODWIN Gaming's Comic Con events will be held in five cities and will cater to a huge audience of pop culture enthusiasts. The event is often seen as a comfortable space for fans to interact with like-minded individuals. Aside from the display of the pop-culture theme, one can also spot activities such as cosplay competitions, merchandise, and more interactive experiences.


Alongside the return of the Hyderabad Comic Con (HCC), the DreamHack is also making its addition to the event this year. The DreamHack premier gaming event is celebrating its 5th anniversary, adding new elements to the Comic Con. DreamHack India is popular for its fascinating LAN tournaments across various esports competitive games such as Counter-Strike 2 and Valorant. Additionally, it is also known for hosting events, tech expos, and meet-and-greets. Combining the Hyderabad Comic Con with DreamHack, occupants of the venue are looking at an electrifying experience where they get to experience the joy of two separate events at once. DreamHack x Hyderabad Comic Con promises the youth a colossal event this year, following a three-day format that will incorporate various opportunities for fans to explore the pop culture world, in a much interactive fashion.



Kushal is a Gaming and Esports writer at Gossip.GG. Aside from pouring hours into his beloved soulsike and RPG games, he also enjoys competitive FPS titles such as Valorant, Rainbow Six Siege, and Counter-Strike: Global ...


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FAU-G: Domination: Everything You Need To Know

Aaryanshi Mohan

Sep 5th, 2024, 4:45


3 min read



  • The gameplay trailer of FAU: G- Domination went live at the FAU-G: Domination World Premiere Event

  • Pre-registration for the game is live right now and the ones who have pre-registered for the event will get attractive rewards.

  • The game has been dedicated to Bharat Ke Veer, under the mentorship of actor Akshay Kumar.

The gameplay trailer of FAU: G- Domination went live at the FAU-G: Domination World Premiere Event and the pre-registration of the made-in-India game is also going on right now. The Prime Minister had urged the gaming industry to develop a world-class game, and FAU: G- Domination was nCore and Nazara's answer. The game's trailer showcases all the different maps of the game and all the weapons. 


Not just that, the trailer also shows multiple locations and firefights to show the kind of experience Dot9 and nCore Games want to give to their audience. 


Also Read: FAU-G: Domination Pre Registration is Live Now


FAU-G: Domination: Everything You Need To Know Before Launch



The game has been dedicated to Bharat Ke Veer, under the mentorship of actor Akshay Kumar. Furthermore, to extend their support to families of India’s Armed Forces Martyrs, Nazara will donate Rs. 25,00,000 to Bharat Ke Veer. Additionally, the game will showcase specific cosmetic items such as badges, of which 100 per cent of the proceeds will be given to Bharat Ke Veer. 


To make the gaming audience aware of the game, Nazara Publishing has decided to partner with many gaming influencers and give attractive pre-registration bonuses. Talking about the game, Nitish Mittersain, Founder and CEO of Nazara Technologies said: 


We’re delighted to finally showcase FAU-G: Domination and open pre-registrations for the game after a period of public testing that verified what we knew — FAU-G: Domination can address the demand of Indian gamers for locally relevant content. We can’t wait to share more with you on the road to release through our marketing initiatives.



The game goes beyond the realm of just being a genre and aims to raise awareness about India’s defence and military power. For that, NIBE Limited — India’s leading defence manufacturer is acting as the Defence Subject Matter Expert for FAU-G: Domination. Talking about it, Ganesh Nibe, Chairman and Managing Director, NIBE Group said: 


We’re proud to contribute to FAU-G: Domination towards bringing a true-to-life representation of India’s defence efforts to the widest possible audience. The next-generation of the nation are digital natives and FAU-G: Domination gives us a platform to showcase what keeps India safe and secure.


Pre-registration for the game is live right now and the ones who have pre-registered for the event will get attractive rewards like the Beast Collection, which includes a frame, banner, avatar, sticker, spray, and charm, as well as six gun skins: sawed-off shotgun, USP, Scout rifle, M4, Uzi, and Kabar. 

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Aaryanshi Mohan

Content Strategist

An avid battle royale player with a special love for BGMI, Aaryanshi prefers mobile gaming over PC. When not grinding in BGMI, you can find her writing or escaping outside.


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