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Valorant Champions 2023 Day 2: FUT, EG and DRX Secure Wins

Mrinal Baranwal   |   Aug 8, 12:57 PM   |   6 min read

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After Day 1's tremendous success, Day 2 had some amazing matchups lined up. FUT Esports, Evil Geniuses, and DRX managed to secure wins against T1, FunPlus Phoenix, and Natus Vincere respectively. From Group B, Evil Geniuses and FUT moved on to the winner's bracket while T1 and FunPlus Phoenix will face each other in the elimination bracket. From Group D, DRX managed to qualify for the playoffs while NaVi got transferred to the decider's bracket. 


Also read: Valorant Franchise Orgs To Tie Up With Challenger Teams

Valorant Champions Day 2 Summary

The first match of the day was between FUT Esports and T1. FUT dominated the entire series as they won Pearl with a score of 13-4, which was their opponent's map pick. They kept the momentum going and won their own map pick of Haven at 13-7 with MOJJ being the Match MVP, boasting an ACS of 281 on Viper and Killjoy in two maps.


The second match was between the renowned teams of Evil Geniuses and FunPlus Phoenix. On the first map of Ascent, the scores seemed to run very close at first with a 6-6 half, but EG managed to stop FPX in their tracks. In the second half, they only dropped two rounds, closing the map at 13-8. Pearl was the second map and despite it being FPX's pick, EG managed to dominate the first half at 9-3. Unwilling to let their foot off the gas, they were eventually able to close the map at 13-8, taking the series away 2-0. Demon1 displayed his 'demonic' skills while claiming MVP status with an ACS of 272.


The last match of the day was between DRX and Natus Vincere, and this time things weren't so one-sided. The first map of Bind, was picked by NaVi, putting on a dominant performance at the half with a score of 8-4. However, after winning the second pistol and anti-eco, DRX managed to push the game to overtime and eventually won 15-13, completely throwing NaVi off of their game plan. 


Rb with the Yoru pick displayed an exceptional performance with a total of 8 first bloods. The second map of Split was conquered by NaVi, as cNed came in with a heavy carry on Jett, getting a total of 27 kills and winning the match at 13-9. The decider map was Lotus, which was neck and neck. The first half went 6-6 and the round trading continued as the game was further pushed into overtime. DRX managed to close the map in overtime at 14-12, qualifying for the playoffs after a long series. 



For Day 3, the matches are:

Group C

  • NRG Esports vs Bilibili Gaming

Group B

  • Evil Geniuses vs FUT Esports


All matches are streamed live on the official Valorant Twitch and YouTube channels.

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Mrinal Baranwal

Esports Staff Writer


Mrinal, also known by her gaming alias Jollies10, is a semi-professional Valorant player with a never-ending love for Esports. She lives by the rule Eat. Sleep. Game. Repeat.




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