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S8UL Gaming Fest Valorant Match Results: Snax and Scout's Teams Win

Aaryanshi Mohan  |   Jul 29, 9:21 AM   |   6 min read

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Day 1 of S8UL Gaming Fest started with a Valorant match between Team Eagle and Team Delta. Team Delta included Payal, Viper, Aman, Sherlock, and Joker. Team Eagle on the other hand, had Snax, Euphoria, Ketan, Akshu, and Krutika.

The second match of the Day was between Team Bravo and Team Charlie. Bravo, comprised Zeref, Regaltos, Mili, Pothead and Scout. Team Charlie had Rebel, Mamba, Sid, Mercy and Krutika. 

Also read: Complete Schedule For Day One Of S8UL Gaming Festival: Valorant LAN Details

Team Eagle And Team Bravo Start S8UL Fest With A Massive Win

The two-day-long fest started with a bit of a delay, but Ketan made the audience's day by coming to the Casters' desk and serving fans a dose of nostalgia. 


Snax's Team Eagle won the match with a dominant scoreline of 13-1. Snax was able to entertain his audience with multi-kills, taking his team towards an enthralling victory.


The best-of-one match began with the casters hoping for a knife kill in the game, and Euphoria was the first one to live up to the expectations by the third round. A total of three knife kills were seen during the match. Krutika, who is primarily a BGMI pro, won the audience over with her multiple 3K round wins. The crowd couldn't help but cheer for the skill shown.


In the second match between Bravo and Charlie, Team Bravo took the show with a 13-2 win. It was Scout who started the game off with unmatched confidence and instantly bagged a 3k. However, Mamba from Team Charlie was the one who dominated the next few rounds. Eventually, Scout picked up the operator and popped heads off with deadly precision.


While Mercy's accuracy was unmatched in the rounds that followed, it was Team Bravo's Zeref who popped out a few 3K rounds and clutches. In the end, Scout was broadly hailed as the MVP of the game. 

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Aaryanshi Mohan

Content Strategist


An avid battle royale player with a special love for BGMI, Aaryanshi prefers mobile gaming over PC. When not grinding in BGMI, you can find her writing or escaping outside.




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