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Nintendo Switch 2 is Apparently in Final Development Phase; Expected to Launch by First Half of 2024

Priyanshu Tiwari  |   Jul 28, 11:05 AM   |   6 min read

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The Japanese video gaming company Nintendo has been catering to gaming needs for over the past 80 years. In this timeframe, Nintendo created the most successful consoles like Gamecube, Wii, GameBoy and Switch. After the success of Nintendo Switch, fans have been waiting for the company to announce its successor for quite some time. Over the past few months, several leaks and information about the potential launch of a Nintendo Switch's successor have been travelling in the tech community.


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The Successor of Nintendo Switch Won't Launch Until the Second Quarter of 2024



After seven years of the launch of Nintendo Switch, the sales of the consoles have crossed the 125 Million mark, and the numbers are still growing. Keeping that in mind, here is what Shuntaro Furukawa, the president of Nintendo, said a few months back: 


"Sustaining the Switch's sales momentum will be difficult in its seventh year. Our goal of selling 15 million unit this fiscal year is a bit of stretch. But we will do our best to bolster demand going into the holiday season so that we can achieve the goal."


He also said that Nintendo won't launch any new hardware this fiscal year, ending in March 2024. 


In July 2023, several reports suggested the development of the new Nintendo console is in its final phase. One such piece of news was shared by Nash Weedle, one of the prominent leakers, saying that the dev kit of the new Nintendo Switch 2 is in the hands of a Spanish development studio, indicating the final phase of development. 


MoneyDJ published an article a few days back stating that the year's second half will benefit electronics manufacturers and assemblers, including PixArt. PixArt is a Chinese manufacturer providing SoC, ambient light sensors and several other parts to Nintendo for its previous generation consoles. In their latest financial report, PixArt said they will supply parts to a "Japanese company that hasn't launched a new system in years."


All these leaks and reports suggest that the new successor to Nintendo Switch is in its last development phase and might launch in the first half of 2024. 


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Hola, folks! I am Priyanshu (IGN: d3monviking). Whether it's playing games or writing entertaining articles for you at Gossip.gg, you'll almost always find me at the keyboard.




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