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Neyoo To IGL GodLike Esports in the BGIS 2023 Round 2 on the Heels of Shadow's Benching

Aaryanshi Mohan  |   Sep 12, 7:04 AM   |   6 min read

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  • Suraj 'Neyoo' Majumdar, a GodLike Esports BGMI athlete addressed the team's performance in a live stream.

  • The team tried Spower's IGL-ing for a while.

  • The team has picked up the pace again and was seen at the top of their group table with 133 points.


GodLike Esports has been struggling with its performance for a while now, and the coaches and the players have also acknowledged the dip. Suraj 'Neyoo' Majumdar, a GodLike Esports BGMI athlete addressed the team's performance in a live stream, confirming that he was IGL-ing the team in round 2. 


Also Read: All Qualified Teams For BGIS 2023 Round 3 Listed: 8bit Eliminated


Neyoo IGLs GodLike Esports Into BGIS 2023 Round 3



GodLike Esports had been shuffling their roster since the addition of Spower and were trying various combinations for the team. After Shadow, their designated IGL was benched. Now, with BGIS 2023 underway, Neyoo confirmed that he was leading the team in BGIS 2023 Round 2 and Spower was focusing on his assaulting. He said:


Spower said that he didn't want to do IGL-ing, Upthrust Esports, OS Esports and BGIS, all of the tournaments I have been IGL-ing. He said he didn't feel like it and wanted to get frags, so I stepped in. We can't judge right now, and we will see my main IGL-ing in Round 3. 


When asked about Shadow's return, Neyoo said there is no definite answer and they will have to see how the team performs in the future. In the short-term, it appears that is unclear whether Shadow will be making a return anytime soon. The organization has remained rather tight-lipped regarding his position in the roster. 


Godlike Esports' BGMI roster is known for being aggressive and lethal in their gameplay because of which they have earned the reputation of being one of the most feared squads out there. Despite a major stumble during the nascent stages of the tournament, GoDL has mounted a comeback and are now in a much stronger position in Round 2 than they were at the start of the tournament. 

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Aaryanshi Mohan

Content Strategist


An avid battle royale player with a special love for BGMI, Aaryanshi prefers mobile gaming over PC. When not grinding in BGMI, you can find her writing or escaping outside.




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