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BGMI Content Creator Threatens To Protest At BGIS 2023 Finals

Team Gossip  |   Oct 9, 2:54 PM   |   6 min read

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  • The owner of STE had informed his audience that two lineups that are currently playing BGIS are under STE.

  • Snehil posted on his story saying that he will visit the LAN event and will also stage a protest.

  • Snehil and other influencers claimed that people anyone who supported STE or Zeyan and Tawqeer will be considered as anti-India.



BGIS 2023 has reached its last leg and with that controversy surrounding it has also escalated. Since the event began, it has been filled with allegations from various creators and some teams were also caught cheating in the matches. Now, a BGMI content creator, Snehil OP, has threatened to protest the event, claiming the owner of Stalwart Esports informed his audience that there are two STE rosters that will be playing in the BGIS 2023 LAN finals.



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Why Is Snehil OP Threatening To Stage Protest At BGIS 2023 Finals



In a recent story, the owner of STE had informed his audience that two lineups that are currently playing BGIS are under STE. Responding to that, Snehil posted on his story saying that he will visit the LAN event and will also stage a protest. This retaliation came after Zeyan, the owner of STE mocked Snehil and challenged him to find out which teams were STE's. Snehil said: 


I already know one team and it will not take me long to find out the second one.


He further added sarcastically that he will go to the LAN and will also ask the audience to "cheer" for these "patriotic" teams that are linked with STE.


I will also ask the audience to cheer for these patriotic people and will boost their morale at the LAN.


For the unversed, Zeyan and Tawqeer, the owners STE had criticised the Indian Army in various tweets from 2013 to 2020. These tweets had resurfaced and both owners faced a lot of backlash. After that, when STE unveiled their plans to enter BGMI, they were not welcomed and these tweets ensured more hate went their way. 


Snehil and other influencers claimed that people anyone who supported STE or Zeyan and Tawqeer will be considered as anti-India. Now, with his Instagram story, Zeyan has directed more hate in his direction.

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