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Valorant Patch Changes Nerf The Much Loved Duelist In The Game

Stotram Roy Moitra  |   Aug 25, 8:51 AM   |   6 min read

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  • Riot Games have unveiled the latest Patch Notes of Episode 7 Act 2.

  • The latest update will nerf Valorant's favorite duelist agent, Jett.

  • Professional Valorant players are not happy with some of the agent changes in the upcoming update.

With Episode 7 of Act 2, Valorant is ready to introduce its set of updates in the game. According to the latest patch notes, the updates will include some significant agent changes that might have a big impact on competitive play.


One of the biggest changes this update will feature is nerfing Valorant’s favourite duelist, Jett. While this will make space for upcoming entry-level agents, professional players are not satisfied with this change. It will be interesting to see how the changes to Jett will impact the character's pick-rate when it comes to Ranked and competitive matches and whether they will remain a viable character. 


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Valorant Latest Patch Set To Nerf The Game’s Much-Loved Duelist



While the patch update will feature several agent changes, it will also see two maps going down from the current map pool. The latest updates will see Pearl and Fracture being removed from the game while an updated Breeze will make a comeback in the map rotation. As mentioned above, one of the biggest updates will be nerfing Jett in the upcoming patch.



  • Players will now have access to only a single updraft which will reduce its pickup rate significantly. Her ultimate points will be increased to 8 from 7 and her smoke (aka Cloudburst) duration will decrease from 4.5 seconds to 2.5 seconds. 
  • The final pin to her coffin is her Dash window which will reduce from 12 seconds to 7.5 seconds. Talking about Astra, her Nova Pulse startup time will be reduced to 1 from 1.25 while her Gravity Well startup time will increase to .6 from 1.25. 
  • Lastly, Astra’s Cosmic Divide will now block off sounds from the other side of her wall. Skye’s Guiding Light duration will be reduced from 2.5 seconds to 2 seconds and Trailblazer’s health will also be reduced from 100 to 80. Her Seekers’ HP will be reduced from 150 to 120 and similar to Jett, her Ult will now cost 8 ultimate points.
  • Breach will now have 2 Aftershock ticks instead of 3 and its damage per tick will be 80 instead of 60. 
  • Finally, Breach must gather 9 ultimate points instead of 8 to use his Ult. These are some of the biggest agent changes in the upcoming 7.04 patch in Valorant.

Hello! Stotram here! I love to play games and listen to Hip Hop. I am working as an esports writer at Gossip. Hope you enjoy reading my articles!




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