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Valorant Patch 8.11 Update: Major Changes Coming To Duelists And Controllers

Priyanshu Tiwari  |   Jun 8, 6:56 AM   |   6 min read

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  • With the Valorant 8.11 patch, Riot plans to buff Neon and Iso, as well as nerf Clove and Raze. Reyna will be buffed and nerfed in the next patch update.

  • The agent updates aim to allow duelists like Reyna, Neon and Iso to make space for their team, just like Jett and Raze.

  • Riot has just shared the preview of the agent changes in the 8.11 patch and will reveal full patch notes on 11 June 2024.

In their recent post, Valorant shared their plans for the upcoming patch 8.11, where duelists and controllers will receive significant buffs and nerfs. With Patch 8.11, Riot plans to buff Neon and Iso, as well as nerf Clove and Raze. Reyna will be buffed and nerfed in the next patch update. 


Since the upcoming patch features major agent changes, Riot shared the preview of the Agent updates with their fans. Riot Games will reveal the final Valorant 8.11 patch notes on 11 June 2024, so the players have sufficient time to digest these agent changes before the update goes live. 


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Neon And Iso Get Buffed In The Upcoming Valorant 8.11 Patch Update


While Riot hasn’t shared the full 8.11 patch notes, agent changes will be the highlight of the 8.11 update. The agent updates include changes coming to Iso, Raze, Reyna, Neon and Clove. The agent updates aim to allow duelists like Reyna, Neon and Iso to make space for their team, just like Jett and Raze. 


After the agent updates preview, the Valorant community is talking about Neon’s comeback in the meta. 8.11 update will allow Neon to take more space with her High Gear (E), where her strafe speed and the slide charges have increased, whereas the time until full fuel regen has dropped down to 20 seconds. Iso is another duelist with the buff, where his Double Tap (E) gives him a shield after finishing a one-second animation, during which he can’t use his weapon. 


Reyna has been both nerfed and buffed as her healing via Devour (Q) has been reduced to 50 HP, but her Dismiss (E) speed has increased, and her ultimate Empress (X) stays activated until the end of the round. To increase the other duelist’s pickup rate, Raze gets nerfed as her horizontal velocity decreases while satcheling using Blast Pack (Q). Clove also gets nerfed as her Pick-Me-Up (C) costs increase to 200 credits, and her ultimate, Not Dead Yet (X), requires 8 ult points instead of 7. 


Agent Update Patch Notes



  • Double Tap (E)
    • Iso now grants himself a shield upon finishing a 1 second animation during which he can’t use his gun.
    • This plays a shield forming sound at the end of the channel when the shield is activated.
    • Charges 2 >>> 1
    • Kill reset added to Double Tap (Iso gets a charge back if he gets 2 kills).
    • Iso now receives a Wall Penetration tag instead of a standard Heavy Penetration tag when the shield is broken. This means he’s slowed less upon his shield breaking.
    • Additionally, Iso now gets a damage indicator towards the direction of the enemy that broke the shield
    • Iso can now recast Double Tap while it’s active to refresh the duration of the shield.
    • This is relevant if he gets a refreshed charge of his Double Tap from getting 2 kills.



  • Fast Lane (C)
    • Fast Lane (C) dissipates from behind to minimize visual noise in combat space while giving cover for Neon.
    • Fast Lane’s (C) audio has been updated to travel with the fade out of the wall.
    • Wall Duration 6s >>> 4s
    • Wall Dissolve Duration 1s >>> 2s
  • High Gear (E)
    • Sprint
    • Neon no longer has her strafe speed reduced while sprinting.
    • Max Sprint Speed while moving sideways 6.73 meters/second >>> 9.11 meters/second
    • Time until Full Fuel Regen 60s >>> 20s
    • Slide
    • Slide charges 1 >>> 2
    • Neon now removes all weapon movement error when sliding.
    • This effectively means she’s more accurate while sliding.
    • Second Slide Cost: 150
    • Equips out of slide: Fast >>> Instant
    • Slide equip buffer >>> .2s (after sliding, there is .2 seconds before her gun comes out)
  • Relay Bolt (Q)
    • Charges 2 >>> 1
    • Windup delay 1.1s >>> .8s
    • Concuss Duration 3.0s >>> 3.5s


  • Devour (Q)
    • Healing decreased 100 >>> 50
    • Full heal time reduced from 3s >>> 2s
    • Overheal of armor no longer decays after a timer.
  • Dismiss (E)
    • Top speed increased 9.1 meters/second >>> 12 meters/second
    • Total duration of Dismiss reduced from 2s >>> 1.5s
  • Empress (X)
    • Empress no longer has a timer and is permanent until Reyna is killed or the round ends.


  • Blast Pack (Q)
    • Raze’s satchels no longer explode for damage/knockback upon opponent destruction.
    • Raze’s horizontal velocity when satcheling has been slowed.
    • Satchel explosion audio has been updated to be audible farther away to ensure enemies can hear the first satchel when a Raze double satchels.


  • Pick-Me-Up (C)
    • Cost 100 >>> 200
    • Duration 10s >>> 8s
    • Damaging Assist Time to activate 10s >>> 6s
  • Not Dead Yet (X)
    • Cost 7 >>> 8
    • Unequip Delay .7 >>> .8s
    • BUG FIX: Clove’s ultimate will no longer survive the fighting state if they get a smoke assist.

Hola, folks! I am Priyanshu (IGN: d3monviking). Whether it's playing games or writing entertaining articles for you at Gossip.gg, you'll almost always find me at the keyboard.




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