The "GIGABYTE College Combat" esports tournament, a collaboration between GIGABYTE and Upthrust Esports, is nearing its grand finale at BITS Pilani, Goa, scheduled for March 30th and 31st, 2024. Having already created a buzz in four major cities—starting with Manipal University, Jaipur, then moving to AIIMS Bhubhaneshwar, NSUT Delhi, and KJ Somaiya, Mumbai—the tournament has been the platform for students to showcase their gaming prowess.
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Why Is GIGABYTE College Combat an Event for Which Fans Should Keep An Eye Out?
GIGABYTE technology provided to the participants powers the entire event. The G5 gaming laptops, equipped with NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 40 Series Laptop GPUs, 12th Gen Intel® Core™ i5 Processor 12500H-Series, and 15.6" Thin Bezel FHD 144Hz Displays, have been instrumental in delivering a top-tier gaming experience.
Furthermore, the tournament has been enhanced with GIGABYTE's GeForce RTX 4070 GAMING OC 12G Graphics Cards and GIGABYTE GS27F Performance Monitors. These 27-inch SS IPS displays, with a 165Hz refresh rate overclockable to 170Hz and a 1ms response time, have provided players with impeccable visual clarity and fluidity, essential for competitive gaming.
As the tournament progresses to its final destination, it continues to be more than just a competition; it's a celebration of the burgeoning talent in the collegiate esports community. Here's a testimonial from a participant:
Interaction with a college student from KJ Somaiya, Mumbai, she said
"Competing in the GIGABYTE College Combat at KJ Somaiya, Mumbai, was an unforgettable experience. The quality of the GIGABYTE PCs and monitors we used was astounding and definitely elevated our gameplay. This tournament has been a great platform for us students to demonstrate our skills and passion for gaming. I'm grateful to
GIGABYTE for this opportunity"
This initiative is a testament to the synergy between GIGABYTE and Upthrust Esports, showcasing their dedication to fostering the next generation of esports talent through state-of-the-art technology and engaging competitive experiences.
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