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BGIS 2023 Winners: Team Gladiators Esports Crowned As Champions

Team Gossip  |   Oct 15, 1:02 PM   |   6 min read

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  • Gladiators won the BGIS 2023 Grand Finals

  • Blind Esports take back to back chicken dinners.

  • Team XSpark took a chicken dinner in an Erangel match on all three days.


The celebration of BGMI, BGIS 2023 finals has come to an end, and we have a BGIS 2023 Winner. It is none other than trophy magnet Destro's team. With a lot of ups and downs on each day, players and teams had to perform their best, and Gladiators Esports did as they finished at the top of the table after 18 matches across 3 days. With each match, the teams were seen struggling with no clear winner till the end of the fourth match. However, this is how BGIS 2023 ended with Gladiators Esports as the winner.

With this win, they took with them Rs 75 lakh and in second place, Big Brother Esports stood tall and Team XSpark, who was the fan favourite finished third.  


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Gladiators Esports Win BGIS 2023


BGIS 2023 Winners: Team Gladiators Esports Crowned As Champions


Match 1 began with Medal Esports taking down Senei and Topdwag panning MJ. The match continued with Big Brother Esports' Saif doing a 1v3 against Blind Esports. However, it was Medal that didn't stop troubling the lobby. In the second half of the game, Team XSpark's Sarang turned into a finishing machine and helped eliminate their biggest competition, Gods Reign. As the match drew to an end, it was Dream's grenade that converted the match into a 2v2 situation but it was Medal Esports that took the first match.


Match 2 began with Team XSpark charging on Night Owls Esports and taking down two players. However, it was Revenant Esports that faced elimination at the hands of the Third World Mafia. Growing Strong was in a different form altogether as they picked a good spot for themselves on the Miramar map and punished everyone. Miramar's sniper meta was back as Growing Strong's Sparkey used his M24 sniper to take out the frags for his team. Eventually, the match turned into chaos as Dreams helped take out Blind, Destro took down Pukar and Big Brothers were seen creating havoc in the lobby, only to finally take the chicken dinner in the second map of the day.


In match 3, Revenant was seen in a lot of trouble as Glitchx Reborn tried to take them out. However, it was Team XSpark that got eliminated at the 16th spot by Medal Esports. A few minutes into the match, DeltaPG does a 1v3 clutch. Orange Rock Esports try to come back as ORMac takes down TWM Samz. Blind Esports, was that play slowly and steadily to take down the last standing team and take chicken dinner.



The chances for the bottom teams were getting bleak in match 4 as CS Esports and Night Owls became the first two teams to get eliminated. Big Brother Esports and Gods Reign prepared for a fight but it was NinjaJOD who held the spot for his team. Once he got back up, it was Big Brothers who got out at 14th place. Revenant Esports attack TX. The pros lobby looks like they are in trouble. Blind Manya shook the Gladiators with nades and headed into a fight with TWM. It was a 3 vs 3 fight with Blind dominating TWM and taking the chicken dinner.


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Match 5 was an apparent domination by Glitchx Reborn and Gods Reign. Gladiators Destro turned into a healer and got crucial points for his team. The last two teams in the lobby were Glitchx Reborn and Gods Reign. As GxR slowly moved ahead, Gods tried to find flank angles. The circle didn't favour anyone and moved slightly away from both. In the end, it was Aquanox that did an intense clutch when GxR looked extremely strong.


With an action-packed match 6, Medal Esports played exceptionally well. The zone favoured Gladiators from the very beginning. But it was finally Team XSpark that took the final chicken dinner of the day.

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